With the advancement of modern agriculture, greenhouse cultivation has emerged as a vital means to enhance agricultural productivity and ensure food safety. When constructing a greenhouse, the covering material plays a pivotal role as it directly impacts the environmental factors such as light, temperature, and...Read More
As the saying goes, “light is the life of plants.” In a greenhouse, lighting is critical to plant growth and crop yield. Good lighting not only helps plants produce more energy through photosynthesis but also improves plant quality and reduces pests and diseases. In this...Read More
Are you a plant lover looking to start your own greenhouse? Choosing the right type of greenhouse is essential for a successful harvest, but with so many options available, it can be tough to decide which one is right for you. Glass and plastic multi-span...Read More
A multi-span greenhouse is a popular type of greenhouse that is composed of several connected sections or bays. Compared to a single-span greenhouse, a multi-span greenhouse has a larger overall growing area, providing more opportunities for crop production, and making it an attractive option for...Read More